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Online learning for Gaelic teachers

Early Years

Early years

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Primary School & High School


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High School

High school

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General Information


Grammar, Gaelic Medium Education…



A full suite of grammar workshops


Grammar Guidance for the Classroom

This guidance is aimed at readers who already have a knowledge of Gaelic to act as a reference guide rather than as a basic text for learning the language.

For each point, there is a summary as to why the issue was researched and the recommendations which can be made for contemporary linguistic norms.

This summary is included in the Background and Recommendation sections for each case. This is followed by a guide to the grammatical feature based on the recommendation made.

Gramar-g guidance
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Mìrean provides guidance on:

  • the main grammatical patterns of the Gaelic language
  • how teachers can teach and reinforce these in class.

It is recommended that schools should put a programme in place, based on Mìrean, to develop children’s Gaelic progressively, from nursery through to secondary school. This should include:

  • daily (or at least regular) language ‘lessons’
  • teaching and language reinforcement which is embedded in ongoing class work.