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Ma tha thu a’ dèanamh obair air Fògarraich an Dàrna Cogaidh san sgoil, faodaidh tu na dealbhan a rinn Des, an dealbhadair againn, a chleachdadh sna stuthan agad fhèin. Na cleachd iad ach airson adhbharan foghlaim ged-tà (tha an dlighe-sgrìobhaidh aig Stòrlann).

Dèan cliog deas air an ìomhaigh agus tagh ‘save as’ no cleachd an ceangal gu h-ìosal gus an luchdachadh a-nuas gu lèir ann an zip file.


Illustration - Teacher WW2
Illustration - Home Guard Soldier
Illustration - WW2 Warden
Illustration - WW2 Mum with baby and gas mask
Illustration - Land Army woman digging
Illustration - WW2 Child evacuee
Illustration - WW2 Hairdresser
Illustration - WW2 Village scene
Illustration - WW2 Child evacuees
Illustration - WW2 school classroom
Illustration - WW2 Children receiving cod live oil
Illustration - WW2 Evacuees
Illustration - WW2 childrens' bath time
Illustration - WW2 gasmask
Illustration - WW2 school desk top
Illustration - WW2 warden's equipment
Illustration - WW2 gasmask
Illustration - WW2 clasroom
Illustration - WW2 inside air raid shelter
Illustration - WW2 evacuee children in bed
Illustration - WW2 Home Guard soldiers
Illustration - WW2 poster
Illustration - WW2 rations
Illustration - WW2 Scottish cottage